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Release Blitz + Review - When Stars Collide by Micalea Smeltzer

Oof. Not my cup of tea.

First of all, Thea is very young (19). I'm used to new adult books where the characters are at least 21. Nineteen just seems quite young and put the drunk Vegas wedding into a different perspective.

Okay, so let's talk about this age thing some more. Thea is 19 and yet she is constantly drinking (in Vegas, at restaurants, on dates, etc). I had to double check where this book took place because no way would drinking while underage be this easy in the US. Trust me, I've been to Vegas with underage friends. There were casinos that wouldn't even let them inside, let alone serve them a drink. That's impossibility strike #1.

Impossibility strike #2: Xander manages to successfully hide the fact he was drafted to the hometown NFL team. How exactly did he pull this off? The NFL draft isn't something you apply to online. There's an event broadcasted live on national television. I know because quite a few of my male relatives watch it religiously. And if you get drafted by your hometown team, you bet your bottom dollar every single newspaper in the area will be running that story, no matter how small the outfit.

Impossibility strike #3: Xander manages to work full-time as an architect at his father's firm while also practicing every day with his NFL team. In what universe would this be possible???? Architects work minimally a 40 hour work week. The author conveniently made all of the team's practices at night, so that Xander could work during the day and then go to practice. But there's so much more to professional football than practice. There's work-outs, meetings, reviewing tape, media training sessions...It's not just about going to practice for a couple of hours a day. To cap it off, Xander lived 45 minutes to an hour away from the stadium on a good day. How in the heck could Xander do all of that, work a full-time job, and have the energy to chase after Thea? How many hours of sleep was this guy actually getting?

Now for characters. Xander was sweet. Thea was kind of annoying. She struck me as immature. I couldn't relate to her at all and found myself often thinking Xander deserved better. Caleb, Thea's brother and Xander's best friend, I didn't understand at all. There were a few times he got irrationally angry at someone.

The plot...Well, there wasn't much of a plot. It was pretty much a given Xander and Thea were staying together by about the 1/3 mark. A bunch of crazy stuff happened out of left field at the very end that I won't get into because they are spoilery (but suffice it to say, the ending was OTT dramatic). The majority of the book is about Xander and Thea being together as well as Xander's secret football career, which would have been more interesting to read about if it wasn't a given they were going to end up together.

Over all, this book had way too many plot holes for my taste.

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