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Review Guidelines

First and foremost, th opinions expressed on this blog are strictly my own. What I consider to be a 1-star book may be a 5-star in your eyes and vice-versa. As a result, I will never bash an author or their work. There's honesty and then there's being flat out mean. I am NOT a professional blogger, meaning I do not get paid or receive any form of compensation for the reviews posted on my site. On occasion, I do receive a complimentary copy from the author in exchange for an honest review. If this is the case, there will be a disclosure statement at the beginning of my review.

Now, what the heck criteria am I using to rate these books? Easy!

  • Hero and heroine - are they relatable/likeable? Did I enjoy reading about them?

  • Plot - did the author tell a good story?

  • Pacing - did the book drag or was I hooked on every word?


And that's it!

Rating Scale

5 stars - LOVED IT!!!! Could not put it down, stayed up all night reading and will likely be re-reading it in the future. Get it on your TBR ASAP!!!!

4 stars - Great book! I enjoyed reading it and would highly recommend adding it to your TBR!

3 stars - Okay book. There were a few things I didn't like or had issues with, but not enough to take away from my over all enjoyment of the book.

2 stars - It wasn't good/isn't my thing. There were quite a few issues or major problems with the book that distracted me from enjoying the book.

1 star - Would not recommend at all! There were a lot of major issues (or possibly included multiple pet peeves!) and the book was actually painful to get through. Heck, even writing the review was painful for me!

DNF - I debated including this. I am stubborn so very rarely do I DNF a book. There has to be something seriously wrong with a book to get me to stop reading it. MAJOR plot holes, multiple peet peeves, grammar/spelling errors in every sentence, ALL OF THE ABOVE...Hopefully, there won't be too many of these.

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